Q&A: “what is the difference between a panromantic demisexual and a demi-pansexual?”
anonymous said:
Hi. I was wondering if you would be able to tell me what is the difference between a panromantic demisexual and a demi-pansexual?
for some people, they can mean the same thing. it really depends on what the terms mean to the person/people identifying as them.
a possible difference:
a panromantic demisexual may have the potential to experience romantic attraction towards people of any gender, but they experience sexual attraction towards no one until they have a strong, emotional bond with someone, at which time they may or may not experience sexual attraction towards that person.
a demi-pansexual may have the potential to experience sexual attraction towards people of any gender, but they don’t experience sexual attraction until they have a strong, emotional bond with someone, at which time they may or may not experience sexual attraction towards that person.
these are but one of many possible ways that someone who uses these terms might identify, so there are many more possible differences than this. again, it all depends on what these identities mean to the person/people identifying as them.