welcome. thanks for stopping by. 🙂
this page, which has been ported over from my Tumblr blog but has yet to be optimized for this site, is my personal attempt at compiling links to various content on/by/for asexual people of color (POC) in the hopes of it not only being a resource for myself but for others as well. this page is by no means comprehensive or complete, it’s just what i have found at the moment. i hope to continually add to and maintain it going forward. you can find a dated rebloggable version of this page here.
please note that i in no way endorse nor agree with all of the opinions expressed in the linked content. i am linking the content regardless of my opinion on it for archival purposes and in an attempt to be at least somewhat comprehensive.
some of the links below have triggering content. sometimes the author of the content has tagged or explicitly stated the appropriate triggers, but this is often not the case. as such, please exercise caution when visiting these links. perhaps in the future i’ll be able to include trigger warnings next to each link, but i’m unable to do so at present.
please feel free to contact me! if you notice a broken link, would like something removed from or added to this page, notice a mistake etc etc, please let me know via an ask, submission or email ( queerascat at gmail dot com ). thank you!
this page was last updated: 07/27/2016
(recently added links are italicized & colored.)
Aces of Color Stories
in July 2015 @theasexualityblog hosted a series of first-hand stories submitted by ace people of color. the following are links to the stories organized roughly by racial identity for ease of navigation.
- “Being an ace and possibly aro Indian like…” by @aswordnamedneedle
- My Journey as an Asian Asexual Androgyne by @millennium-fae
- “I am an Asian cis-WOC who has a lot of frustration with the asexual community…” by anonymous
- “The issue with being both POC and Ace is the lack of visibility…” by @imunblooming
- “Being asian in a conservative vietnamese household…” by @whenthezeros
- “As a Pakistani Muslim I’ve grown up in an environment…” by @thedarkmystic
- “As a Chinese-American panromantic asexual, my ethnicity…” by @touchmycape
- “I am Chinese and demisexual/demiromantic…” by @buttcheek2
- “I cannot separate my asexuality from my race…” by @arete20
- Chinese Ace by bokch
- “I’m Japanese (fourth generation living in Canada)…” by @lilaccastle
- “I’m an Indian-looking (technically Pakistani) girl…” by @ardent-star
- “Being Asian, sex, gender, sexuality, etc. was never…” by @disneydorkinthetardis
- Being a Black Ace Woman by @pseudonymouscherry
- Struggling (possible) Ace by @thequirkywolf
- Saved These Words by @recklessalexis
- POC fetization/ace struggles and fears by @letmedrivemyvan-intoyourheart
- “It actually took me a while to figure out…” by @erisliebe
- ”First things first I am an asexual aroflux non binary…” by @bakaashinji-kun
- ” I am of mixed descent but identify as black…” by @locandload
- “Person: I’ve got jungle fever. ;)…” by @nexus-fronerd-1138
- ”Discovering your sexuality is hard work…” by @hawkward-chicken
- ”Sexuality is a pretty big gray area for me…” by @retrospectly
- ”Being a Latina Ace visiting a country…” by anonymous
- “Women of color and lesbians are both sexualized…” by @snuffed
- “I don’t have a long story for this, but I do have a phrase…” by @havenlust
- “I’m a first generation American. My family comes from…” by queen-belarus
- “I’m a Brazilian, demisexual woman and it’s been…” by @mayhigurashe
- “I’m a first-generation Mexican Demi-sexual and biromantic…” by @quietseraphim
- “I’m Mexican and a panromantic asexual…” by @blowinduck
- A constant battle by @johns-bigdickwalk
- “I’m a Latina and as a lot of Latinas my body is…” by @somerecycledideas
- On being Latina and Asexual by @nerdvi
- “I am Latina, asexual, and not out to my family…” by @the-electron-affinity
- “I’m Puerto Rican. Latinx women are always expected…” by @mama-de-dragones
Mixed / Bi-racial
- “I’m a biracial Hispanic, though I can’t really pass…” by @sevenshadesofa
- “My experience as a mixed ace of dark skin is that…” by @glitteracelove
- “I’m an Afro-Hispanic WTF-romantic asexual/greysexual…” by @lalarogue
- Colorful Ace by @aro-ace-out-of-place
Native / Aboriginal
Asexual POC Pride Art
- My sexual preference is NOPE by @pizzakladd
- The “A” is for asexuals & aromantics- not allies by @madeupofnothings
- “This was going to be part of a series highlighting my characters’…” by @hdaggdraws
- APOC (and other QPOC) pride graphics by @queerascat
- ♥ ASEXUAL ♥ by @pppasta
- “my little ace nonbinary oc, Amy, for Asexual Awareness Week” by @fortuitousawesome
- “Since is asexuality awareness week, I made a lil biro-ace me.” by @nerdvi
- “happy Asexuality Awareness Week! 😀 All these will be WOC…” by @nerdvi
- “an OC of mine for inktober and asexual awareness week!” by @layaart
- “In a galaxy far, far away…” by @nerdvi
- “There are a lot of aromantic/asexual headcanons for black charaters going around…” by @cyanidesylladex
- “Shoutout to all the wonderful, lovely, black asexual lesbians.” by @apollyptica
- “I know I’m a little a lot late with this, but here’s a doodle for all my asexual friends to celebrate pride month!“ by @ukuleleballads
Articles & Blog Posts
- Anon Ask: “I’m unsure how to deal with this acephobia…” by @asexualadvice et al
- Va-Va-Bullshit: How Latina ‘Spicy & Sexy’ Stereotypes Affect Asexual Latinas by Latina.com
- The Intersections of a Black, Non-binary Ace by @queerascat
- Ask: “Hi could you possibly explain the thing people are…” by @thingsthatmakeyouacey et al
- Asexuality: Rethinking Romantic Orientation and Attraction Types As “Required” Identifiers by @gradientlair
- What’s R(Ace) Got To With It? by Return The Gayze
- r(ace): a-response by @obsidian-magazine
- What’s R(Ace) Got To With It?: Response by @bessibels et al
- The Colonized Asexual – a response to racial trauma by Katie
- Asexuality as a white supremacist dream by @thingsthatmakeyouacey
- Black Girlhood Memories… by @gradientlair
- “There’s this thing about being brown and being Asexual…” by @spookyjutsu
- “I first heard of asexuality when I was 17 and watching…” by @faerychess
- The politics of (in)visibility by @queenieofaces
- The Large Space That White Supremacy Occupies In Conversations About Sexuality by @gradientlair
- Asexuality is not just a white identity (but would you know that from looking?) by @ace-muslim
- Carnival of Aces 2: The intersection between asexuality and race, ethnicity, culture, or nationality (Round-Up Post) by various authors
- Forecasting issues of race by @godlessace
- A Place of Whiteness by Ily
- So…Some People Kinda Hate Asexual People… by @gradientlair
- Politics of Asexuality: Issues Faced by the Asexual Community by Stormy O’Brink
- Agender, Asexual Cultura Latina? by Fistfelt
- Asexuality and Race by The Thinking Asexual
- Thoughts on the plight of aces in India by Arf
- On the Racialization of Asexuality by Ianna Hawkins Owen
- More intersectionality: Being Asexual and Asian by @psyche2332
- “I think at the end of the day the perceived gender and race of asexual people…” by @the-gorn
- “Being a Black Asexual is difficult…” by anonymous at @blackwomenconfessions
- Black Womanhood, Asexuality and Agency by @gradientlair
- Intersectional Interview #1: Court by @demigray
- Talking Asexuality Part 2: How Asexuals Live by @Arf
- Gray-A and Demisexuality Being Named Are Vital by @theacemachine
- Finding myself after 18 years of existence by @iminoarusonzai
- On being a Black Ace by @momo-tan
- an asexual Whiteness by The Ace Theist (see also: this post)
- Asexual and Asian American by @starchythoughts
- Rejecting Pakistani and Islamic Marriage Stereotypes: why being asexual does not mean I must conform by @minamina0013
- “…this framework of asexuality […] started as whitewashed/colorblind…” by @thingsthatmakeyouacey (see also: this post)
- “…literally every point thingsthatmakeyouacey has made [about allosexual] feels like a double standard…” by @queerascat (see also: this post)
- “do you know who else is called inhuman, and treated accordingly? people of color…” by @millenniumfae
- Asexuality, Race, and Community by @starchythoughts
- Being a Hispanic/Latina Asexual by A Trace of Ace Blog
- Asexuality With An Asian Face; How Race Intersects with Being Ace by @millenniumfae (see also: this response by @godlessace)
- “being black and aroace makes me see dehumanization really easily…” by @floralafro
- “I’ll be damned if I let a bunch of racist whites keep me from identifying or being involved with something that is a huge part of who I am.” by @blvkandasexual
- …limitations of intersectionality by @queerascat
- Facts and opinions on ace history and race by @godlessace (see also: these responses)
- Race/Ethnicity of Muslim Aces by @citricsunshine
- the trauma i never knew i had: navigating childhood trauma 29 years after the fact by @queerascat
Please tell me Ace POC groups exist somewhere??
- @asexualpocsunite
- Boosting Representation for Ace PoC (or other underrepresented groups) by Next Step: Cake
- (A)Sexuality and Gender Identities Round-Up! by @writingwithcolor
- Asexuality and Race Resources by @cassz
- AVEN Asexual People of Color (forum thread; must be logged in)
- Fiction with Asexual Characters Master List Library by @agentaletha
- @arosandacesofcolor
- @blvkandasexual
- QAC 35 – Body Image: An Intersection of Black, Non-binary & Asexual Identity by @queerascat
- QAC 28 – On “Blackness”, Queer Identity & Intersectionality (a rant) by @queerascat
- Legit Boring #7: [A]SEXUALITY by @based-goddex
- Asexual Portraits Collaboration Project by Amy Liang (features Ace POC)
- Legit Boring #27: Discovering Asexuality by @based-goddex
- Legit Boring #33: Being Gray Romantic by @based-goddex
- QAC 51 – #ProudToBe Black Non-Binary Bi Pan AND Asexual by @queerascat (see also: the backlash)
- Hugo and Vern (not explicitly POC) (NSFW) by @japhers
- Diana and Charlie (more here, tw: self-harm) by @eliasericson
- Shades of A (NSFW) by Tab Kimpton
- The Hues by Alex Heberling
- Ignition Zero by Noel Arthur Heimpel
- Sidequest by Kezia
- Brown and Gray Zine by @brownandgrayzine
- F-ACE-ING SILENCE (not Ace POC specific, features Ace POC voices) by @rotten-zucchinis
- Taking The Cake (not Ace POC specific, has Ace POC illustrations) by Maisha
Commonly used #hashtags
- #ace POC
- #asexual POC
Less commonly used #hashtags
some of these tags i use on this blog, but they’re not common elsewhere. not linking to the general tags due to unrelated, sexual content currently found in these tags.
- #asian aces
- #black aces
- #latinx aces
- #mixed aces
- #native aces