Q&A not Q&A: “…the first definition of [aporagender] was literally “same as third gender but white people can use too”…”
anonymous said: Not trying to start an argument by any means, but I think the reason that person said aporagender (I’ve probably spelt that wrong) is racist, is because the first definition of it was literally “same as third gender but white people can use too” or something along those lines, which some see as racist, because something that’s the same as third gender, considering the terms history, shouldn’t be for white people. Sorry if this sounded argumentative thats not my aim at all ? having kept a watchful eye on the term aporagender pretty much since around the time of its coinage (because it was in fact coined around the exact same time that i coined maverique) i can safely say that i have never seen the word defined nor described in that way. as such, i am extremely skeptical that that is the reason why the anon is…