Q&A: “just wondering if anyone knew a good place to find safe binders for…”
anonymous asked: Hey, just wondering if anyone knew a good place to find safe binders for someone with really small ribs (only 28 inches around) but an extremely large chest (H+ cup) or if it was even possible? I’m getting surgery in a year and a half or so, but I have kind of awful dysphoria sometimes to the point I dissociate because it triggers my anxiety and then turns into “well that’s not you, that’s someone else, you’re not here” hi, anon. i’m afraid that i won’t be of much help to you as i can’t say that i’ve read any binder reviews, or heard of any explicit statements on the behalf of the companies that make them, about a binder being made with measurements like yours in mind. that said, i did a quick search and found this that may (or may not) be of help to you?…