[A]sexuality,  [Random] Thoughts,  Gender[queer],  Japan[ese],  Queer[ness]


just finished walking with Stonewall Japan in the Tokyo Pride Parade! みんな、お疲れ様です!

having a great time, although i want to smack people upside the head every time they refer to this event as “gay pride”. way to erase everyone else, guys (*`Д´)ノ!!!

edit: …so like 15 minutes of the most acephobic shit just happened while we were sitting here with our ace pride sign. like HOLY SHIT, that was the most awkward, offensive 15 minutes (that felt like 30) in my life. and i got 10minsish of it on video. will post it soon. UGH.

YouTuber and Blogger, Vesper is an American expat currently living in Japan.

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