QAC 75.5 – Life Update: Leaving Japan?! | Legal Name Change | Goodbye Locs
over 11 years after first leaving America for Japan, the time has come for me to finally try my hand at life back in the States…
mentally steeling myself for the mental shock of eleven years’ worth of Reverse Culture Shock™, of being a ‘proper’ adult as well as openly queer and in a ‘visibly’ queer relationship for the first time in America– the countdown is on.
March 19th, 2019: Calcifer and i say goodbye to our apartment.
March 25th, 2019: we board a one-way flight bound for Cheeto Man Land.
“Change” has been the name of the game for me this past year and 2019 will be no different. legal name change, 外観・印象 overhaul and (most importantly) Caspian, here we come!
going to try and not let this blog fall down the rabbit hole of venting my frustration and exasperation with life in America, but we shall see how strong-willed

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