♫ 関取花「べつに」 / Hana Sekitori – “Betsu ni”
a friend just sent me this song and it is the funniest, most Japanese– yet simultaneously universal song ever about coming across public displays of affection as a single person and being annoyed about it. thought i’d share. lol
translated lyrics below.
なぜだ なぜ君らは / why oh why do you guys
終電間際 現れる / appear just in time for the last train
なぜだ なぜ君らは / why oh why do you guys
改札前でキスをする / kiss in front of the ticket gates柱の陰に隠れてほしい / i wish you’d hide behind a pole
できれば家でやってほしい / if possible, i wish you’d do it at home
少しは恥を知ったほうがいい / you should have a bit more shame
とりあえず一応みないふり / anyway for now, i’ll pretend i don’t see youべつにべつに べつに / whatever whatever whatever
べつにべつに 悔しくない / whatever, i’m totally not frustrated or anything
べつにべつに べつに / whatever whatever whatever
べつにべつに 悔しくない / whatever, i’m totally not frustrated or anythingなぜだ なぜ君らは / why oh why do you guys
何も言わずに見つめ合う / gaze into each others’ eyes without saying anything
なぜだ なぜ君らは / why oh why do you guys
おでことおでこ突き合す / put your foreheads against one another’s駅員さんの顔みてほしい / i wish you’d look at the station staff’s face
見ろよ絵にかいたような苦笑い / look at that wry laugh, lifted straight out of a painting
慣れてないのにお手々は尻に / though not used to it, putting your hands on their ass
とりあえずやっぱり見ないふり / anyway, yeah i really will pretend i don’t see youべつにべつに べつに / whatever whatever whatever
べつにべつに 悔しくない / whatever, i’m totally not frustrated or anything
べつにべつに べつに / whatever whatever whatever
べつにべつに 悔しくない / whatever, i’m totally not frustrated or anythingべつにべつに べつに / whatever whatever whatever
べつに私には関係ない / whatever, it’s not like it has anything to do with me
べつにべつに べつに / whatever whatever whatever
べつに私には関係ない / whatever, it’s not like it has anything to do with me
だけど私恋人いない / but i have no partner
負け犬の遠吠えでしかない / just the butthurt feelings of a loserそれがなんだ べつにべつに! / but whatever! nothing wrong with that or anything!