Mental [Un]health,  YouTube[r]

QAC 59 – Antidepressants 3 Months Later | BetterHelp: Online Therapy| World Mental Health Day

did you know that October 10th is World Mental Health Day? i’ve recently tried out, a great resource for online therapy. if you’re interested in trying online therapy or looking for a new therapist, check it out maybe?

it’s been over 3 months since i started antidepressants. i made a video about my [mis]adventures with turning to professional help via medication for the first time back in July. it being World Mental Health Day and all, now’s the perfect time to finally update you all on the continuation of my [mis]adventures in mental health shit– now with an added dab of online therapy on top!

in the interest of complete transparency, this video is a sponsored by BetterHelp and the above link is my personal referral link and anything generated from it will come back to me. that said, i would only ever accept sponsorship on a video if i believed in the product or service being offered and have personally tried it myself. BetterHelp has proven to be a great resource for me and i share it in hope that it other will also find it yourself for them.

…i hope i look like a zombie in this video because i very much was and am.
*falls over*

YouTuber and Blogger, Vesper is an American expat currently living in Japan.

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