Q&A: “im gay and ive known for like almost 2 years now but every time a guy talks to me i can’t help but…”
anonymous said:
hey so like im gay and ive known for like almost 2 years now but every time a guy talks to me i can’t help but ask for more attention or flirt back i have a problem w saying no a lot and maybe that’s why but is it normal ?
hi, anon. i’m a bit confused by your ask and am not sure whether i’m understanding it correctly, but…
a person can definitely enjoy receiving attention from someone and initiating / returning flirting with someone even if they’re not actually interested in that person in any way. some people enjoy / do those things with anyone and some people don’t, but either way it doesn’t necessarily say anything about you as a person or your sexuality. besides, you know yourself, anon. if you’re gay you’re gay! trust yourself.
also, try not to compare your actions or feelings to what others’. everyone is different, no one is you and you are awesome. 🙂
edit: anon, this post may also be relevant to you.