Q&A: “I think I’m a cis girl but I’ve discovered that I don’t mind if someone would call me by other pronouns…”

anonymous said:

Hey 🙂 I think I’m a cis girl but I’ve discovered that I don’t mind if someone would call me by other pronouns than she/her or call me a dude or something. On some days I feel more masculine and I feel more feminine. Is that “normal”?

i’m a strong believer in there being no such thing as “normal” and that what most people consider to be “normal” is really just “common”, but anyway

is that common among cis girls? i’m afraid that i have no idea. based on what i’ve heard, i wouldn’t say that it’s uncommon. then again, i’d also like to point out that whether it’s common or not says nothing about your gender anyway. everyone, regardless of whether they’re cis, trans and / or non-binary, has their own unique relationship with and feelings about the language used to refer to them and how they feel about their own gender. try not to compare your feelings to what’s common within society. instead, just think about what your feelings mean to you regardless of what it might mean to anyone else.

YouTuber and Blogger, Vesper is an American expat currently living in Japan.

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