• Gender[queer],  Japan[ese],  Queer[ness]

    National Geographic: “Gender Revolution” (Japanese Edition)

    just got the Japan edition of National Geographic’s special issue “Gender Revolution”. bearing in mind that i haven’t actually sat down and read through it yet, here are a few snaps along with my initial impression. prior to getting my hands on this magazine (and in fact, before it had even been released), i already had a general idea of what to expect based on snippets of featured articles that i’d come across online. plus, you know, the fact that it’s NatGeo. as such, i feel like there was never any chance of me being pleasantly surprised in any way, even though i’d set my expectations low to begin with. well, i’m glad i did, because i’m nitpicky as all hell. but we all already knew that. at a glance, there are some great things going on in this magazine, such as the increase in awareness of trans, intersex and non-binary…

  • [Random] Thoughts,  Gender[queer],  Japan[ese],  Queer[ness]

    NHK Heart Net TV to air feature on non-binary people

    for those of you who don’t know, last month (4/30/15) the NHK series Heart Net TV (ハートネットTV) aired an episode that discussed problems that X-gender / Xジェンダー* people face in Japan. more specifically, they: read fanmail sent in by a person in their 40s who’s questioning and was given shitty “advice” from a support hotline interviewed an FtX person who is out in their workplace discussed issues live on air with two guests, an FtM** and an FtX** person aside from Japan’s continuous failure to distinguish between sex, gender and sexuality, it was a good episode, imho. you should definitely check it out if you missed it (and can understand Japanese)! the episode will be reaired tomorrow, 5/7 (Thurs) @1:05PM on NHK Eテル. you can also watch it online here! もし先月に放送されたNHK EテルのハートネットTVのXジェンダーについてエピソードを見なかったら、明日5月7日(木)午後1時05に再放送されますので是非見てください!又はネット上でも見えます!クリックしてね。 * for those wondering, X-gender / Xジェンダー is the Japanese equivalent of genderqueer and/or non-binary in English. **…