Feedback: “I just want to say I found some of your videos on YouTube and some of them have really resonated with me…”
anonymous said:
I just want to say I found some of your videos on YouTube and some of them have really resonated with me. I’ve always identified as bi, and was identifying as neutrois but sort of on the fence about it being the right term, and upon watching one of your videos awhile ago explaining your experience while identifying as neutrois and why you coined maverique, I’ve started to realize maverique may fit me better as well. So yeah, I just want to say thanks for doing what you do, and say keep doing it!
thanks for not only watching my videos, but also for taking the time out of your day to come and send me this really nice message, anon. i appreciate the feedback & encouragement and am honored to hear that my neutrois / maverique video resonated with you. 🙂 keep being awesome yourself!