Q&A: “do you happen to know of a gender label/type that could be described loosely as…”
lymeandcoconut said: Hi there. I just started following you so I apologize if you’ve already addressed this, but do you happen to know of a gender label/type that could be described loosely as “I feel like at my core I’m agender, but I wear a female/male ‘suit'”? It’s hard to put into words, but I feel as if female is an outfit I wear, a role I play, but who I am underneath is agender. Have you heard of something like that? i’m afraid that i haven’t come across a gender that fits the description of what you’re looking for. i have seen people talk about “performing” a gender that differs from their actual gender (for example, an agender person who considers themself to “perform” the socially defined role of “female” in their day-to-day life), but i generally see that “performance” treated as separate from a person’s actual gender rather than…