Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2017: ACES & ENBIES
fourth year and counting of Ace Spec Japan and friends meeting up at TRP. ? see also: TOKYO | FESTA | PARADE
fourth year and counting of Ace Spec Japan and friends meeting up at TRP. ? see also: TOKYO | FESTA | PARADE
when you turn and see someone’s face as they lose composure while looking your way as you approach them, you know it was all worth it. (featuring photos by: @7a6u3, @gonoi and @mom1615) see also: TOKYO | FESTA | ACES & ENBIES
if only ten photos or even four posts of photos were enough to capture the spirit of #TRP2017. see also: TOKYO | PARADE | ACES & ENBIES
random glimpses of rainbows around Shibuya & Shinjuku. should’ve gone to Odaiba too, チェッ… see also: FESTA | PARADE | ACES & ENBIES
ie. that time when a women’s sex toy store promoted much needed awareness of diversity at Tokyo Rainbow Pride, but due to incredibly poor research on their part as well as a language barrier that is not their fault, inadvertently ended up spreading damaging misinformation about intersex people, polysexuality and ‘skoliosexuality’, among other things. and of course i kind of went off on Twitter about it because that’s what i do when i’m not going off about something on Tumblr instead. like every year, Love Piece Club, a very well known Tokyo-based shop and website for women, had a booth at Tokyo Rainbow Pride this year. at past Prides that i’ve been to (both in and outside of Tokyo) they have been one of (if not The) Only booth(s) selling miscellaneous small goods (badges, stickers, etc) in more than just rainbow flag colors. because of that, i know that they have…
a recap of Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2017 via my Twitter account(s). the tweet(s) about the pamphlet showcasing various flags by Love Piece Club will be the subject of the next post…
to everyone who made it out to Tokyo Rainbow Pride today and metup with us (many of whom aren’t photoed above), otsukaresama deshita! it was great to see you all and i hope everyone had as great a time as i did. without going into a long-winded spiel because i’m exhausted (and might do it later), today was the highlight of Pride: the parade through Shibuya / Harajuku. imho, it’s safe to say that this year’s parade was the best yet in terms of asexual representation and visibility. not only that, there was also more non-binary, genderqueer and pansexual representation and visibility than in years past thanks largely in part to the NPO にじいろ学校 (formally にじいろ小町) whose group and float Ace Spec Japan walked with this year. more information and a lot more photos will be posted hopefully within the next week, so stay tuned. (original photo courtesy of @mom1615 via…
…it’s that time of year again. time for Tokyo Rainbow Pride! since 2014 myself and other aces in Japan (now known as Ace Spec Japan) have come together during Golden Week to raise awareness of asexuality by walking in the annual Tokyo Rainbow Pride Parade, followed by a casual meetup elsewhere in Tokyo. this year will be as awesome as ever and anyone interested in joining us– or even just stopping by to say ‘hi’– is welcome! walking in the parade is optional, of course. date: Sunday, May 7th, 2017 time: [parade] 10:30 ~ 14:00? (parade itself sets off at 12:00) ——- [meetup] 16:00 ~ ??? location: contact me for details even if you can’t make the above times, contact me and i’ll help you find us. i’ll also be around for the Festa on May 6th (Saturday) if anyone wants to meetup then. either way, ハッピープライド! (photos from Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2016) […
with tomorrow being my final day at my current job, less than 48 hours until i move to the lovely city shown above and less than a week until i start a new job that i must hit the ground running with, it’s time to put this blog on hiatus. i’ll still check in from time to time to like posts for future reference, but i will not be otherwise active on this blog. asks will be responded to in the order they’re received unless noted to be time sensitive or otherwise urgent. noteworthy stuff: April 16th, 2017 – the Tokyo LGBTQIAP+ and Supporters Meetup Group will be having a picnic again this year. last year’s was fun and (provided nothing comes up last minute) i’ll be there again this year. see the meetup group or contact me for details. April 29th – May 7th, 2017 – Tokyo Rainbow Pride will be held…