Re: podcast recommendations?
queerascat: anyone have any queer-related (or relevant) podcast recommendations…? bonus points if it’s hosted by QPOC. preferably not iTunes exclusive. looking for something educational / intriguing / interesting to listen to on my weekly 3 hour (1.5 hours each way) commute across the Greater Kanto Area so i can be Quasi-Productive rather than fall asleep and miss my stops zzz… thanks in advance. 🙂 a huge thank you to everyone who suggested podcasts for me to check out! i really appreciate your help. also, i think i very much underestimated how popular podcasts even are since i haven’t actually followed any before and have never even ventured into the realm of fictional podcasts before. thanks to everyone’s help, i’ve amassed a list of 27 podcasts to check out– and counting! i even made a thing so that i actually look into all of them as i’m really bad at starting…