anonymous said: hey, thanks megabucks for yr posts on apora- and aliagender. i was wondering if you’ve read biyuti binoahan, who afai could tell *was* arguing that white ppl cannot have a non-binary gender as it would be appropriative/racist? i feel like that particular discourse took root in many (white, masculine-nb) circles, and was The Citation about binarism. (also, my norse pagan ergi friend got bullied off tumblr for stating they had a cultural nb gender as a white person.. bluh. Emotions run Strong) hi! 🙂 i know of biyuti (b. binaohan), but i’m not sure whether or not i’ve read the writing in question. this, perhaps? i’ll have to check it out later when i’m not running on 2hrs of sleep and short on spoons. either way, based on what you’ve said about it, i’m fairly certain that i have come across arguments about binarism and non-binary genders on…