Q&A: “There’s a guide that answers a lot of questions about [asexuality]… Do know where I can find it?”
anonymous said: So I’m but to a friend but I don’t think I explained asexuality really well. There’s a guide that answers a lot of questions about it, but I’m having trouble finding it. It’s like an ace 101 thing. Do know where I can find it? i’m afraid that i don’t know which guide you’re referring to, but maybe these links could also be of some help to you? ”Q & Ace: An Introduction to Asexuality” – AsexualityArchive “Asexuality 101″ – Asexual Awareness Week Downloadable Resources – Asexual Awareness Week “Asexuality 101″ – A Trivial Knot “What Is Asexuality?” – WhatIsAsexuality.com if anyone has anything to add to this, please feel free to.