welcome. thanks for stopping by. 🙂

this page, which has been ported over from my Tumblr blog but has yet to be optimized for this site, is my personal attempt at compiling links to various content on/by/for asexual people of color (POC) in the hopes of it not only being a resource for myself but for others as well. this page is by no means comprehensive or complete, it’s just what i have found at the moment. i hope to continually add to and maintain it going forward. you can find a dated rebloggable version of this page here.

please note that i in no way endorse nor agree with all of the opinions expressed in the linked content. i am linking the content regardless of my opinion on it for archival purposes and in an attempt to be at least somewhat comprehensive.

some of the links below have triggering content. sometimes the author of the content has tagged or explicitly stated the appropriate triggers, but this is often not the case. as such, please exercise caution when visiting these links. perhaps in the future i’ll be able to include trigger warnings next to each link, but i’m unable to do so at present.

please feel free to contact me! if you notice a broken link, would like something removed from or added to this page, notice a mistake etc etc, please let me know via an ask, submission or email ( queerascat at gmail dot com ). thank you!

this page was last updated: 07/27/2016
(recently added links are italicized & colored.)

Aces of Color Stories

in July 2015 @theasexualityblog hosted a series of first-hand stories submitted by ace people of color. the following are links to the stories organized roughly by racial identity for ease of navigation.




Mixed / Bi-racial

Native / Aboriginal

Asexual POC Pride Art

Articles & Blog Posts


Please tell me Ace POC groups exist somewhere??






Commonly used #hashtags
  • #APOC
  • #ace POC
  • #asexual POC

Less commonly used #hashtags
some of these tags i use on this blog, but they’re not common elsewhere. not linking to the general tags due to unrelated, sexual content currently found in these tags.

  • #asian aces
  • #black aces
  • #latinx aces
  • #mixed aces
  • #native aces