Q&A not Q&A: “It’s because people want to be able to blanket their inclusivity.”
anonymous said:
It’s because people want to be able to blanket their inclusivity. Though trying to repurpose something that already has a specific meaning is not the way to go about it. Instead of co-opting, one should create.
(re: this post)
i agree that there often seems to be a general lack of effort and / or consideration behind attempts at inclusivity that make use of overgeneralizations.
that said, it’s not always a matter of something being co-opted or appropriated, as is the case here with these flags as all of the flags in the posts in question were made by black people.
i’m afraid that i see a lot of young black Americans doing the very thing that i spoke of in that post, which is part of the reason that i’m so confused and admittedly frustrated by this…