?Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2017: Parade & Ace Meetup
…it’s that time of year again. time for Tokyo Rainbow Pride!
since 2014 myself and other aces in Japan (now known as Ace Spec Japan) have come together during Golden Week to raise awareness of asexuality by walking in the annual Tokyo Rainbow Pride Parade, followed by a casual meetup elsewhere in Tokyo. this year will be as awesome as ever and anyone interested in joining us– or even just stopping by to say ‘hi’– is welcome! walking in the parade is optional, of course.
date: Sunday, May 7th, 2017
time: [parade] 10:30 ~ 14:00? (parade itself sets off at 12:00)
——- [meetup] 16:00 ~ ???
location: contact me for details
even if you can’t make the above times, contact me and i’ll help you find us. i’ll also be around for the Festa on May 6th (Saturday) if anyone wants to meetup then. either way, ハッピープライド!
(photos from Tokyo Rainbow Pride 2016)
[ x-posted to Ace Spec Japan ]