Feedback: “Non binary opened my world but even then it is hard to fit between the cis and trans world…”
unepetitecrise said:
Been following you for a while but just got around to watching your vlogs on being non binary/or trans ect. I was similar…until I heard of non-binary I just felt a but lost? Non binary opened my world but even then it is hard to fit between the cis and trans world. I was one of those people, I am ashamed to say, who was very ‘don’t call me cis cause you can’t call me that’ and it came across as transphobic but I now realise it was bc no label fits. So important to see someone explain it. TY!
(re: these vlogs [ 1 ] + [ 2 ])
thanks for watching and for the kind message. 🙂 it’s definitely a topic that i’d love to see more discussion about and awareness of. imho, there’s a significant number of people who are overlooked, silenced and / or otherwise negatively affected by the “if you’re not trans you’re cis” and vice versa binary way of thinking that it’s prevalent literally everywhere. it’d be nice if people would be more conscious of the fact that things are not so black & white for everyone even if it is for them personally.