Q&A: “I’m genderfluid and for example when I’m female or even partly I feel attraction to women (only) and the same goes to when I’m male/masc…”
anonymous said:
Ok the thing is that I’m genderfluid and for example when I’m female or even partly I feel attraction to women (only) and the same goes to when I’m male/masc. Just wanted to ask if there’s a term/label/word or something to that. So if that’s a real thing?
not everyone’s sexuality is fluid even if their gender is. yes, that is a real thing, regardless of whether there’s a term for it or not.
some people use the terms gynosexual / gynoromantic to describe attraction to women, without regard to one’s own gender identity, but… i hesitant to even mention these terms, or their male counterparts androsexual / androromantic, at all because of people defining and using these terms in really problematic ways. as tempting as it may be to use these terms because they’re almost like an ‘easy fix’, i do not recommend them. i’m really only mentioning them because you’re likely to come across them in your search for a term.
some non-binary people for whom being a woman is both part of their gender identity and their attraction to others identify as lesbians. not everyone is comfortable identifying as a lesbian as a non-binary person, however, so this may or may not even be an option for you.
i wish there was a simple, straight-forward term to recommend to you, but i’m afraid there isn’t in so far as i know. sometimes just saying that you’re attracted to women, without trying to package that into a single word, is the easiest thing to do in a society that has coded the gender binary into the way that it talks about sexuality…