Q&A: “s it possible to transition to non binary in California?”
anonymous said:
Is it possible to transition to non binary in California? I want to get surgery to at the least remove/flatten my chest… But I’m worried insurance will not cover it.
i don’t know a whole lot about California, but i do know that California is one of the few states that prohibits health insurance from denying someone coverage based on their trans status. i also know that Obamacare and Medi-Cal, among many other insurance plans, cover various forms of medical transition. honestly, from what i hear, you’re in one of the best states in America when it comes to trans healthcare, so i wouldn’t be too worried.
try Googling your city’s name (or the name of a major city near you) and “transgender” or “transgender healthcare” to find resources that may help you. sadly, searching for trans resources will get you a lot further than looking for non-binary specific resources, but many trans resources are also available to non-binary people.
all the best, anon.