Q&A: “I’ve seen some people claim the ace community is racist, transphobic, and that hetero-romantic and aromantic aces don’t belong in the LGBTQ+ community…”
anonymous said:
So, I’ve seen some people claim the ace community is racist, transphobic, and that hetero-romantic and aromantic aces don’t belong in the LGBTQ+ community. I was wondering, do you think there’s racism in the ace community? I’ve never noticed any, but then I’m white, so that’s not rlly my call. I think maybe it has to do with the use of the term allosexual, which has been said to have racist and transphobic roots.
What’s your opinion on “allosexual”, and do you think “het aces” shld be included in the LGBTQ+ community?
there are racist (and transphobic) people everywhere and the ace community is no exception to that. however, there being racist (and transphobic) people in the ace community doesn’t make the entire community racist (or transphobic). that would be an overgeneralization.
people have made the claim that the term allosexual is racist and/or transphobic, but i disagree and feel like that has little if anything to do with racism (or transphobia) in the ace community.
i’m actually in favor of the terms allosexual / alloromantic and support heteroromantic aces who identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community.
for more on my stance on these issues, check out these posts: